Well this week was interview week for the mission. So what does that mean?
We started at Cali this week; 30-45 minutes with every missionary companionship in the mission is a lot of time when there are 193 missionaries in the mission. We have had some awesome experiences both incredibly spiritual and hilarious. Just time spent with President and Sister Prícoli is enough to make anybody laugh. They are so awesome.
We have been teaching this week Inspired Questions.
How any question that exists qualifies in one of three levels. Low, medium and high level questions. Low-level questions look for information like, who, what, when, and where.
Medium-level questions need an analysis; questions that make you think about what is happening in your life now.
And high-level questions are all about how can you apply the information to your own life to make it better in the future.
It’s been super awesome although I do have to say that giving the same lesson 50 times (the count up until now) is kind of nuts. I respect the work that the assistants did a lot more now that I get to experience the stress and hard work first hand, hahaha.
This week we only did the interviews for Cali, all day everyday. There are 120 missionaries in Cali so we have now done 60 interviews in Cali plus 10 today in Popayan, 70 interviews in total. I do have to say that I am learning a lot because we teach them a principle every time and then they teach us. Honestly it’s been super cool to have the missionaries teach me for real. I never had that experience until now. It’s honestly super awesome.
Elder Walker and I get along super great. We haven’t slept in like a week, so we are now constantly in a Spanglish zombie mode that President doesn’t really understand but that’s okay. We speak Spanish all day but at times it comes out Spanglish to be honest.
The mission is so much fun.
It’s so cool to be back in Popayan today although I couldn’t go to my area to see my converts. I know that one day I’ll see them again. We just had so much to do with the interviews that we are finishing up right now, writing you guys and then we are back to Cali which is 3 hours north.
We are bringing pillows to all the missionaries and it was super funny that we traveled with 22 pillows in the car to Popayan. Slept like a baby if you ask me. Hahaha
I love the mission. It’s such a rewarding experience although we are teaching 47 hours of the exact same training every 30 minutes it’s super awesome and rewarding to see how we can help these missionaries. Well at least I really hope that we can help them.
So one of the topics that I have taught a lot this week is that Christ lives, that because of Him we too can live.
As a mission we have been centering our teaching with that in mind. That our Savior lives and because He lives, we too will live again.
I love you all have an awesome week.
Watch this video it’s awesome
Love you lots
Elder Lyle
This week I wanted to share Rawly's letter to me because it just made me laugh...
Ey mamá como vas
Te quiero.
I wanted to tell you that this week has been a hilarious wreck. I’m now eating normal food. Subway, Chinese food stuff like that, got to love the office life, hahaha
Presidente drives like Grandma. Elder Walker and I laugh our heads off everyday in the car about that. We have almost gotten into like 3 car accidents, hahaha, no I’m kidding. The only accident we were in was with a telephone pole in the church parking lot. “Presidente, look out, Presidente look out, PRESIDENTE LOOK OU-CRRRRUNCH” Hahahaha.
We are having a great time here in the office.
I love my package.
Elder Jones says that he is going to our sealing.
We are having a great time everyone together here in the mission. I love the mission life.
I love the socks you sent me. Super awesome.
I eat dragon fruit daily.
I haven’t slept all week and I LOVE IT!
You can only imagine the car stuffed with 22 pillows, hahaha Elder Walker and I were dead asleep on the way to Popayan to say the least!
We are on our way back now
I love you can’t wait to see the pictures this week
Talk to you later
Love you