What’s up Family!
Wow, what a week these last two weeks have been. Mega Hectic.
With my old district leaving and a new one coming in there was lots of prep work, even more because two are newbie’s.
That’s right everyone, I am a Father.
I’m training a Chilean named Elder Rebolledo, he is from Santiago Chile and he knows the Wright’s, crazy huh?
We’ve been having a good time.
Elder Miranda was in the mission office and now after 6 long months he is ready to work. He is training an Argentine from Córdava. So far we’ve had a blast. It is always good when work becomes fun.
Our first appointment you could say was with a great investigator named Abner Ramirez, ha-ha, aka the member that helps us everyday. It was a very interesting lesson in which we asked him to pray and he spread out his arms and starting praying/singing/chanting. Ha-ha-ha-ha, oh my gosh I was dying. Then the new missionaries started the lesson and asked him who did he live with. He said my wife, and my daughter. He then told them my wife’s not here right now cause she is still working in the family business. They then asked what is the family business thinking he would say baker, or some kind of store but instead he said, "oh we own a stripper bar on 7th street. My wife is making a trip to Medellín right now because we are in the process of changing the girls out." The poor new missionaries really had no idea what to do or say. So funny.
The mission in Cali Colombia is very different from any part of the world. President Prince told me that if you are going to serve here you are going to go home a marine. It’s true.
The poor things were in shock. Elder Miranda and I were laughing so hard we were on the floor already knowing how Colombia is. We are going to train the best missionaries here. They are SUPER young, ha-ha, well the same age that I was when I got here but they look like they are deacons honestly, no more than 12.
We did an experiment with the assistants of the mission and with President Prince. Jamundí was an area super low and has been that way for a little while. So we developed a plan. Bring two newbie’s in and tell them they are in the best area of the mission. When they arrived to the office Tuesday the assistants only talked about how awesome Jamundí is and how it is the best area in the mission. When they got here Elder Miranda and I continued with the same excitement and last week in 3 days we had the best week ever. 5 people getting ready to be baptized, a ton attending sacrament meeting and an infectious environment that even the members feel.
This has made me think with what kind of attitude do wake up in the morning. Do we wake up with and attitude of I’m going to kill it today or I don't know how I’m going to make it through today.
Excitment in the sciptures is the same as cheer, think about the following scriptures:
D&C 123:17
17 Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed. (Therefore, dearly beloved bretheren, lets do all things with excitement that lie in our power…)
Powerful right? Well here’s another
D&C 61:36
36 And now, verily I say unto you, and what I say unto one I say unto all, be of good cheer (BE EXCITED), little children; for I am in your midst, and I have not forsaken you;
How bout that? Even better
2 Nephi 10:23
23 Therefore, cheer up your hearts (AND BE EXCITED), and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves – to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life.
I want to be more excited everyday.
I'm ready to rock it.
The last written words I have from my father were:
I now have his dog tags...
There’s no more time to sit still and wait for the excitement to magically appear.
I have now brought the "rain" to Jamundí and I plan to keep it coming!
In the name of Jesus Christ
Elder Rawly Lyle