(JOHN 3:16-17)
"16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have ever lasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."
So my week has been way awesome and it all started Sunday as we start planning for the Christmas season. Everyone if you haven’t heard of the He’s the Gift initiative you will hear about it today.
This Monday we had to prepare the mission for something, something that the church has never done before called:
He is the Gift.
So we did something that we had never done either while I have been here in the mission, we brought the entire mission to Cali for a meeting.
In the meeting we presented the initiative to the mission. He is the Gift has 3 parts.
Discover the Gift
Embrace the Gift and
We talked about how Jesus Christ is the greatest gift of all. How it is the gift of salvation that our Heavenly Father gave to us. Then we talked about some of the awesome things that the Church is doing, like buying a billboard space in Time Square for 1 month. How the 7th of December the advertisment spot on the home page of Youtube will have exclusively He is the Gift. How there is an incredible video about how Christ is Christmas under the same title, "He is the Gift", "Él es la Dádiva" in Spanish. It is in 20 different languages. Every missionary in the world has 10 cards that they have to share everyday, 70 people for every missionary companionship every week all over the world. It’s so awesome. Officially the missionaries started with the cards the 28th of November. It’s incredible to see how many people are accepting The Gift here in this mission.

We are all in charge to share The Gift with others. What we are doing as missionaries (who aren’t allowed to have Facebooks or Ipads, hahaha) is that we are making sure that all the members, less active members and investigators share these things by Facebook, Twitter, and any other social network possible accompanied by #SharetheGift. Videos, photos, inspirational quotes, scriptures, it all must be posted for the world to see.
Today is the Day!
David Bednar said:
“After the announced birth of the Christ child to the shepherds on the plains of Judea, “there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:13-14).
This Christmas season, we can fulfill a similar role as the multitude of the heavenly host did more than two millennia ago. I invite each of us to flood the earth with the message of righteousness and truth found in the He Is the Gift initiative.
Visit http://www.mormon.org/christmas to find inspiring content to help discover, embrace, and share the gift of God’s love for us, made manifest in His Only Begotten Son. By using the hashtag #ShareTheGift, we can sweep the earth with timeless – and timely – messages of the Savior Jesus Christ.”
I have loved this initiative. We have had only one day so far to use it and we already have had people calling us to see what time church starts tomorrow. We contacted 25 people in our area yesterday (one who just called me asking about church tomorrow) and who knows how many more we will find today. Amazing things are happening, I love this time of year. It is going to be so awesome to share such an incredible message in terms of the real reason we have Christmas with others.
I love Christmas, and I love my Savior.
Remind others the importance of this Christmas
I challenge everyone who reads this to post something:
Every Monday and Friday until Christmas concerning He is the Gift and that directly after reading this post you can all visit the page.
and watch the video and share it with one other person.
Take advantage of the blessing of technology and give everyone a reminder just as the Savior did to Nephi.
3Nephi 1:13
Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow come I into this world, to show unto the world that I will fulfill all that which I have caused to be spoken by the mouth of my holy prophets.”
I love you all
Get yourselves ready
Cause here comes Christmas and we have a message to share.
Elder Rawly Lyle